a good fit for the kinds of academically themed videos we are asking students to create - getting good audio from a phone, speaking to camera, integrating voice over, positioning extra images. There is a danger this is a distraction from the core Learning Objectives you are working towards.
Videos in Spark - have a templated approach and results tend to look good.
You can add in your own videos as well - so if you do want to do a section where viewers see you talking to them directly you could record that on your phone / laptop and upload that section.
You can host the videos on spark or download them. So you can download it and reupload it to Manchester Met File area if you want to share only with the people marking your work.
Comparing to Alternatives -
I think you get better results than powerpoint with audio narration - it’s more like a video - seems more professional and accessible.
You could get similar results with a well designed powerpoint and recording only the Audio using Kaltura Capture - but the real advantage of Adobe Spark is being able to go back and re-record your narration for each slide if you get a bit wrong. This really removes a lot of performance pressure.
So I hope this quick top on a creative tool Adobe Spark has been useful.
I’m sure there’s lots more that I’ve left out and forgotten - the next tip is to just jump in and start to test it out. It’s pretty intuitive .
About Quick Tips for Creative Tools Videos
In project based assignments students are often asked to create documents for specific audiences as a way of communicating their understanding of need and to pitch messages to specific audiences appropriately.
This series of quick video tips on creative tools give very short introductions to some of the tools available to students to do this. It pulls out some of the most notable features of the software.
These are focused on ease of use and availability to Manchester Met students.